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The first documented ACE on the course was made during our first weekly tournament on May 29, 2002. David Choi had the highlight of the event shooting an ACE on no.7!!!! Next time you see David give him a High-Five!!!!

May 29, 2002 - David Choi, Hole #7   

February 15, 2003 - Chris Webb, Hole #1  - Chris made his ACE during our first annual ICE Bowl. 

February 15, 2003 - James Stevenson, Hole #6 - Playing in the same group with Chris, James made his ACE about 30 minutes later on #6. James used an Aviar putter on a direct line to the basket. I will have to get him to show me that shot one day.

Rose Festival Tournament ACES - April 26 - 27, 2003

Jersey Beym on #11 - Awesome shot, a "crushing hyzer over 12's tee box into the chains" 304' if thrown straight.

Mel Dickerson on #1
Delon Summerset on #1
Phonepasong Aroundleut on #1

James Stevenson on #2

May 3, 2003 - Sam Swofford, Hole #1  - Sam made his ACE during Random doubles and collected a cool $100. Congrats Sam.

September 25, 2003 - Eric McCall, Hole #1  - Yours truly made his ACE during Random doubles and collected a cool $100, the first regulation ACE I have thrown. I threw a soft "S" shot using a Roc. Cool beans.